About City Talks

The elements of a city – its buildings, streets, and public spaces – are witnesses to historical events. These events were game changers in politics and society and they introduced innovation in science and the arts. They made places and individuals famous, with monuments, stories, and songs passing this history to later generations.
City Talks professional historians and travel guides have identified these events and described the stories of fascinating objects and places around the cities.

Beneficiary 'Citytalks Sp. z o.o' implements the project entitled 'Implementation of e-service in the field of individual tourism' as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Measure 1.4.1.
Objectives and planned effects of the project: The project involves the purchase of intangible assets (licenses for software) necessary to implement the application, which will be the first individualized (but at the same time versatile) tool designed to discover / explore cities. The purpose of software purchase is not trade in 'WNiP' in the form of a license or copyright. As a result of the project implementation, it will be possible to conduct business activity consisting in offering electronic services on the market.
Project value: PLN 612,540.00
Contribution of European Funds: PLN 398 400.00
Project implemented in the period 01/02/2018 - 31/07/2018.
More information on the project can be obtained from Ms. Paulina Codogni, tel. +48 500 178 608, mail: paulina.codogni@gmail.com

Beneficiary Citytalks Sp. z o.o implements the project entitled "Citytalks in the international arena" as part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program for 2014-2020, Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises, sub-measure 3.3.3 SME support in the promotion of product brands - Go to Brand
Objectives and planned effects of the project: The project's objective is focused on the implementation of the Applicant's development strategy, the element of which is expansion into foreign markets, including the selected prospective market - the USA. As a result of expanding export activity the enterprise will gain access to a new group of potential recipients, to whom it will be able to direct its offer. As a consequence, not only will the company's revenues increase, but also the size of Polish exports. There will be development Applicant's company, increasing the level of competitiveness and brand recognition of Citytalks.
Project value: 485 600,00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 364 200,00 PLN
Project implemented in the period 09.05.2018 – 31.12.2019.
More information on the project can be obtained from Ms. Paulina Codogni, tel. +48 500 178 608, mail: paulina.codogni@gmail.com
Before purchase:

After purchase:

Before the purchase, you can see the approximate ‘poligon’ of the walk’s area. At this point, you can also get to know the walk’s theme, approximate lenght and duration.
After the purchase, all walk’s stories are enabled to you. You will be able to see the map presenting all stops on your sightseeing walk. You can click on any story at any time to see its description.
To find the nearest story in this walk, you can eighter just walk in its direction, or if you need guidance, use the ‘Navigate’ feature.
Each walk features an intro with general background information and a summary of the walk which you can listen to at any time.

‘Explore’ feature lets you roam freely around the city, learning about the historical places you are passing. Use the City Talks map to find interesting spots around you. Click on a bullet for the place’s audio description and photos.

City Talks historians and travel guides have selected city stories and mapped them in exciting, thematic walks. Each of the walks features an introduction with background information and a summary which are always available for listening.

City Talks walks divided by districs for easier navigation. Thanks to this feature you can easily identify the approximate area of the tour you are planning.

Filter all feature lets you filter all stories available in the app by theme, district, object or by distance from your current location.

Stories and walks, which you saved in your travel plan for future tours. You can edit your walk plan by adding more stories and walks with ‘Add more” feature.

Walk Diary lets you revisit your walks, noting the stories you heard and any photos you may have taken. Share your City Talks achievements with your friends! Download your Walk Diaries from your user account on citytalks.eu.

Review your favourite stories and walks for future tours. These are the ones that you indicate with a heart in the mobile app.

Benefit from discount coupons offered by City Talks sponsors and patrons. The app notifies you when you pass sponsored places by maximum 300 metres and offers you promotional coupons. Save them in ‘My coupons’app area for future use.

The city is the poeple who create it. So we have given the voice back to the city residents. We have collected their memories, experiences, stories, emotions, photos, sounds… and assembled them into City Talks audio stories.

Polish cities - Warsaw and Rzeszów – are the first covered by our historians, travel guides and lectors. But we are already exploring next cities for you.

Listen to professional guided audio records about the places you pass on your way home from work, or during your sightseeing walks, and learn your city again from scratch.